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Quality and Environment

Since 2006 EBHI has had an integrated system of Quality and Environment, certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, which covers all activity carried out in the terminal.

Quality and Environment Policy

Environmental rules for suppliers and sub contractors

To see the certificates obtained by EBHI click on the following quality stamps:

Certificado AENOR ER-0060-2006 Certificado AENOR GA-2006-0112 Certificado IQNet
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Environmental Newsletters

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Atmospheric emissions

Waste Water collection and treatment

Waste management

Other environmental aspects

Atmospheric emissions

EBHI has undertaken different actions over the last few years both in investment and running costs in order to tighten control of its activity, reducing dust emissions and minimizing contamination and potential impact on air quality in Gijón.

The three wheel washing systems installed ensure that heavy vehicles exiting the terminal are correctly cleaned and do not leave dust particles in their wake.

Screens set up at different points of the storage areas, plus pile sealing protocol along with an improvement in the spraying and washing systems, all help to prevent dust particles from being carried out of the stock areas.

Furthermore, investments such as an ecological hopper, the improvements in belt conveyor systems and those roadways within the terminal, have reduced emissions in unloading and transporting operations.

Waste Water collection and treatment

Since the installation of a water treatment plants in EBHI in 2006, many modifications and reforms have been carried out to guarantee that water from the different discharge streams of the terminal are collected and treated, complying with limits and requirements set in the discharge authorization

In 2015 modifications to the sanitary wastewater treatment plant (SWWTP), and industrial wastewater treatment plant (IWWTP) were completed and a maintenance service was contracted for both. As a result, the environmental performance and, more to the point, the environmental monitoring plan, has been improved.

Waste management

There are defined points in the terminal for the segregation and storage of waste which produced as a consequence of operations and auxiliary activities.

The policy of waste management in EBHI considers the waste management hierarchy:

  1. Prevention
  2. Preparation for re-use
  3. Recycling
  4. Other types of recovery, including energy recovering.

EBHI always guarantees to comply with legal regulations related to storage, transporting and handling of waste.

Other environmental aspects

For the control and improvement of other environmental aspects such as the use of natural resources or the noise emission, there are procedures and methods of control implanted, that guaranties the fulfillment of legal requirements and promote/provides actions to build the EBHI environmental sustainability behavior.